Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Road Trip From A Horror Movie?

yeah I'm pretty sure it happened my friend Kathy and i were our driving because we didn't want to be home and i remembered their was a place called Macedonia well that's where it all started she didn't believe me and when i found this place was last year around Christmas and mark was with me so needless to say i don't quite know where I'm going but we didn't care hence the title so we went out on 54 down across from the Ritz's and turned right onto some highway and its dark no one is on the road absolutely no lights other than my headlights and we drove for what seemed like 5 min because we were cutting up turns out we drove almost an hour there were allot of sharp corners and we finally hit a straight away so i got on my phone and updated face book saying if we died were somewhere out 54 ( keep in mind it hasn't dawned on us we have GPS on our phone) and while I'm looking down not on the road i see this light (which after you watch a thousand horror movies you start to think this isn't good because this is the part where some man will appear into the middle of the street under the light with a creepy grin and an axe) well without any thought Kathy lets out a heart wrenching scream and i jump she jumps i slam on the breaks we both look around only to find Kathy had a mild heart attack due to a possum. turns out the only murder that happened was me running over a possum needless to say we found that at this moment we should turn around and possibly use the GPS to figure out where the heck we had went we made it to Boston Kentucky.. side note if you ever decide to travel THERE IS NOTHING THERE

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